In this blog, our VETASSESS Skills Assessment Experts answer some of the most common questions that we receive via webinars, social media and emails.
1. Is it mandatory to submit the proof of tax paid along with my payslips?
We do require you to provide a range of payslips (at least two). Submitting official taxation evidence supports that your employment provides a legitimate source of income.
2. Do all low-skill occupations for DAMA have the same requirements?
Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs) enable employers in specific regions of Australia to hire a broader range of overseas workers than is available through the standard skilled visa programs. At VETASSESS, we assess a number of skilled and semi-skilled occupations for overseas workers who intend to migrate to Australia under select DAMA programs. Each DAMA has its own requirements to meet the labour needs of that DAMA region
You can find out more about DAMAs and their requirements here
3. If a company won't write a statement of service in line with VETASSESS requirements (for example, not putting it on a letterhead), what can be provided instead?
For professional occupations we prefer a statement of service on official letterhead. If this is not possible, you can provide a statutory declaration and a collection of other official documentation such as payslips, contracts and letters of promotion. You can also provide us with official contact details of your referee. If our assessor requires further information, they may contact the referee/s that you have provided for authentication purposes.
4. I'm a self-employed tradesperson, what evidence must I submit to support my application?
We will need a letter from a taxation representative, such as your registered/chartered accountant, to show they have been managing your finances and tax obligations. We will want to see tax paid for each relevant year of employment, other financial evidence such as invoices you generated for clients and invoices from suppliers made out to you. You can supply bank statements for those years and other statements from clients or other third parties that will support your case.
This VETASSESS blog on self-employment also explains the evidence that self-employed people can provide.
5. I work in a trade occupation. What can I do if my previous employer won’t give me payment evidence?
If you are unable to contact your previous employer (for example, if the business has closed) you may provide other forms of financial evidence such as taxation documents, superannuation (pension) statements, work permits that include financial details and bank statements that show the name of the employer and salary deposits made.
6. Can a person working in a supply chain role who also deals with customers be assessed for the role of Customer Service Manager?
This may depend on the primary employment/contracted position. In order to be assessed positively against the nominated occupation you need to demonstrate that the occupation selected is being performed as your primary paid employment role. You can find an information sheet on this role here
This blog is part of a series of Answers by Experts. You can find more questions and answers in the blog section of our website,
For more than 25 years VETASSESS has provided tailored, independent assessment services to governments, education sectors and industries globally.
We have pioneered assessment services to recognise and verify individuals’ qualifications, skills and experience for migration purposes against the requirements of 341 professional and 27 trade occupations.