Unsuccessful trade assessment?
If your Trade Skills Assessment outcome is unsuccessful, there are two options available to you. These are outlined below.

Option One: Undertake a reassessment
If your original skills assessment identified skills gaps and you have since completed additional training and/or employment to address these gaps, you can apply for a reassessment. Reassessment applications must be lodged within 12 months of receiving the original skills assessment outcome letter. After this time, you will have to submit a new application.
When requesting a reassessment, you will need to provide evidence of any additional training completed, or employment. You must supply new evidence for your application to be accepted.
If you apply for a reassessment of the Pathway 1 technical interview or practical assessment, you will only be reassessed on the units of competency where you received a NYC (Not Yet Competent) in your Statement of Attainment. Before undertaking a reassessment, you should increase your skills and knowledge in these units. You can do this through formal training and/or gaining practical experience.
Request a reassessment
To request a reassessment, go to our online portal and submit your application along with any additional evidence. We will confirm we have received your application and give you instructions to pay the reassessment fee directly to Trades Recognition Australia.
Option Two: Request a Review of the assessment decision (Appeal)
If you do not agree with the assessment decision and want your assessment decision reviewed, you can submit a request for review. You must apply for a review within seven business days of receiving an unsuccessful skills assessment outcome letter.
When you request a review, we will give your case to an assessor who did not participate in your original assessment. The assessor will review the evidence you submitted with your original application plus any additional evidence you provide, and confirm if the correct assessment outcome was made.
Request a review
We will confirm we have received your application and give you instructions to pay the reassessment fee directly to Trades Recognition Australia. You will be eligible for a refund of the review fee only if the assessment outcome is overturned, based on the evidence provided in the original application.
To request a reissue of your investment outcome documents, you need to complete, sign and submit a FM-SRT-34 Reissue of Documents form.
Once we receive this form, we will provide you with a reprint of your assessment documents. The reprint shows the date the document was originally issued, and the date on which it was reprinted.
Please allow four to six weeks for your request to be processed.
Please Note: A Reissue is not a renewal of your assessment outcome. If your assessment outcome letter has expired, please contact Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) for advice.

The team at VETASSESS will gladly receive and respond to all feedback from customers in a professional, timely and respectful manner. In line with our quality principles, we encourage a culture of continuous improvement and subsequently recognise feedback as vital to the growth of our business.
We aim to respond to all feedback within 10 business days. There are times however, when feedback provided to us requires extended research. If needed, we will contact you to advise of the extended timeframe.
You can submit your feedback via the link below.

Prepare your application
As an Australian Government authorised skills assessment authority, VETASSESS uses standards – specific to each of the 27 trade occupations we assess – to check that your skills match up to the relevant Australian trade.